Welcome to FARMCREATE website!! FARMCREATE is the unique place that creates, tests and of course builds new and amazing farm equiptment! We have a small team of inventers, a team of builders and a team of testers. The inventers invent, builders build and testers take the equiptment for a spin. Also, every year, on June 25, we will take special requests from future customers to build new things. We build all types of machines, some specific to different types of SEEDS, such as wheat, barley, yellow peas and others.And not only do we make field equipment, but we make inventions for animal purposes, to!

The most popular machines and their uses are as follows: The Seeder, witch will open a hatch in the trailor every time the groov of the tire hits a metal flap at the top of the wheel cover that will breifly release a stream of seeds. The Waterer, witch is a tractor that has a very wide axle and somewhat small tires that goes along the field and releases water at the pull of a lever ( there are diferent amounts of water released using different buttons.). And, finaly, the classic Chicken Tractor. The C.T. has wheels on the bottom, chicken wire on all sides and the top(not the bottom) and the top hatch to put chickens IN the C.T. is bordered with wood so that it is openable.

For any questions, GOOGLE THEM.

chicken standing near barnyard, tractor in background